'Pollution backpack' data shows levels rising again

This is a pollution monitoring backpack

and it has recorded that levels

are back up after lockdown

Location: London, England

Dyson created the bags

which contain a series of sensors

to track the level of air pollutants

Courtesy: Instagram / @Dyson

Volunteers in 13 cities

from New York to Delhi

have been wearing the gear

(SOUNDBITE) (English) JESSICA ROWLEY, DYSON SENIOR DESIGN ENGINEER, SAYING:"A lot of the cities are actually showing lower levels of NO2 compared to what it would normally be like at this time of year and some of those that are starting to lift their strict lockdown rules, we're starting to see that trend go back to what we might normally expect for the time of year."

The team will keep measuring

as restrictions lift

to check those initial indications