Prince Louis is 'quite a handful', Queen Camilla jokes

Queen Camilla has joked that five-year-old Prince Louis is "quite a handful".

The royal made the comment about the youngest child of Prince William and Kate, as she met crowds of well-wishers on the Isle of Man.

She greeted people outside Douglas Borough Council after presenting the letters patent, officially awarding city status to Douglas.

During the event, she met Rachael Hughes, 38, and her 15-week-old twins Louie and Oliver.

The Queen said: "I have a Louis grandson... quite a handful".

Ms Hughes said the Queen had come over to "admire" the young boys' matching blue outfits. She added: "[She] asked their names and said it gets easier when they are two.

"It was so lovely to see her. She is doing a great job and she looks fabulous."

The Queen, dressed in blue herself, made the flying visit to the isle on behalf of the King, as he undergoes continued cancer treatment.

She said he was "so sorry" he couldn't be there himself to celebrate the "extremely special occasion" before she read out a speech the monarch had written.

It read: "The granting of your city status is particularly special to me, as your letters patent are the only ones in existence that hold both my signature and that of my late mother.

"Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, as you mark your well-deserved status as one of the newest cities in the British Isles, and the only one of the Crown Dependencies, I would like to offer on behalf of my wife and myself, my heartfelt congratulations and my very best wishes for the future."

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The former towns of Douglas, Bangor, Colchester, Doncaster, Dunfermline, Milton Keynes, Stanley and Wrexham were granted city status in May 2022 as part of the celebrations for the late Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee.

Crowds gathered as the Queen unveiled a plaque at the City Hall on Wednesday. She later went to Government House, in Onchan, where she met community groups including the RNLI - which was formed on the island.

The Queen then greeted schoolchildren, asking them if they were excited about the upcoming Easter holidays, what their plans were and if they were going to take part in Easter egg hunts.

Camilla also spent around 45 minutes with Diana Parkes CBE, an Isle of Man resident who set up the Joanna Simpson Foundation in memory of her daughter who was murdered by her estranged husband.