Reaction by 2015 Presidents Cup captain's picks

(Reuters) - Reaction from Internationals Steven Bowditch of Australia and Bae Sang-moon of South Korea, and Americans Bill Haas and Phil Mickelson, after they were selected on Tuesday as captains' picks for the 11th Presidents Cup to be played in Incheon City, South Korea from Oct. 8-11: BOWDITCH: "It's been a very interesting 24 hours to say the least. I'm very humbled and honored to be able to be chosen by captain Nick. "It's just been a dream, a dream of mine for a long time, and now to be led by Jason Day and all his accomplishments of late, I'm just over the moon and so excited to get there." - - - - BAE: "I'm really happy now I can play the Presidents Cup this year. I will go to military service after the Presidents Cup, actually after this season. I'm really honored to play, and I think we have a lot of chance to win this tournament. That is my home country and I'm really excited to play." - - - - HAAS: "I can't tell you how honored I am to be picked. I couldn't sleep last night. Last week was very difficult being number 11 (in the standings) and the last few weeks, I've really, really wanted to make the team outright. "... to be in that team room with my dad as the captain, I don't think it's something that we, especially I, will ever, ever forget. So honored to represent the U.S., my dad, and to be alongside these other team mates. So excited, very emotional and this is a wonderful moment for the Haas family." - - - - MICKELSON: "I am really excited. This means a lot to me. I find that the team events -- the Presidents Cup, the Ryder Cup -- are where relationships are formed. They are the most special, emotional weeks of the year. "I am so honored to be on this team. And to have it come from input from so many players and assisting captains wanting me to be on the team ... I couldn't put it into words." - - - - (Compiled by Mark Lamport-Stokes in Las Vegas; Editing by Andrew Both)