Singapore Celebs Share their Beauty Secrets

By Andrea Claire for Yahoo! Southeast Asia

We love checking what the celebrities are wearing and what their beauty secrets are. These television personalities work with beauty pros, but sometimes do it themselves when they need to doll up.

I had the pleasure of contacting a few Singapore celebrities, and they were happy to share the beauty secrets that help them get their TV glow on.

Anita Kapoor, TV host and media personality

Secret #1: “I use a simple scrub that's easy on my sensitive skin, all over my face, neck and arms prior to any long TV shoot and once a week during [the shoot]. Makeup just goes on easier and skin remains smooth, clean and supple throughout."

Secret #2: "I always apply foundation before my moisturiser is completely absorbed into my skin. Sure, you need to blend a little more, but by the time I'm done, it feels ‘set’ – but not in a pancake, 1950's way."

Secret #3:"Even on my worst, jet-lagged, lacking-in-sleep days, a sweep of a bronze-y mineralised powder across my cheeks and under my eyes is an instant zap of ‘wake up’ that makes me look like I just spent a week on vacation.”

Linda Black, TV host/model
Secret #1: "Skincare is an absolute must for any gal (and guy) no matter what your line of work. I understand if you don't have the time because of work constraints, but honestly, I think every gal can find an extra five seconds to put on moisturiser before brushing their teeth in the morning. I even go so far as to put on 3 different types – a moisturising toner, a cellular serum (don't ask me what that means, it’s on the bottle) and then the actual moisturizer. And yes, I put it on my neck too.

My motivation? When everyone says I look younger than my husband when in fact I’m a bit older."

Secret #2: "One thing I think is crucial is to have a great skin soother with aloe vera, and keep it in the fridge. My hubby gets too much sun sometimes and that cold aloe vera skin soother feels luxurious when it’s placed on singed skin – lovely."

Julie Wee, stage and TV actress
Secret #1: “I'm quite lazy when it comes to putting on makeup. I love the result after, but the act of putting makeup on is a bit of a chore for me. I wish I could wake up already made up. So, the faster my makeup goes on the better.

On normal casual days I just put some light and luminous under eye cover up, blush, and some glossy lip balm. Voila! Done in two minutes!"

Secret #2: "I go and get my eyebrows threaded before a TV or photo shoot to make sure that my brows are perfect for the camera. It used to hurt a lot when I first started but now it's much less painful.

It's much easier to shave my legs but I try to 'epilate' when I have the time because the hair grows out much finer and softer, so I don't get the those sharp and poky week old leg hairs.”

Andrea Claire is a top hair/makeup artist and writer who’s worked with several international celebrities, as well as lots of magazine and commercial assignments. Find out more of her beauty tips and solutions in Beauty and The Blog.