The 'social photo frame' that helps generations connect

Social media is great for sharing photos with loved ones, but what about friends and family members who don't have online profiles? A new ‘social photo frame' could be the answer.

Famatic is a touchscreen digital photo frame which connects to Facebook, Instagram and email accounts and streams uploaded photos and videos automatically.

People can then ‘like' or comment on the images in the frame without needing their own personal online profiles.

Designed to include the older generation in the online digital sharing trend, Famatic can be coded to only display images from certain albums or which include certain hashtags.

"We strongly believe that technology should bring us together instead of breaking us apart," reads the Famatic website. "All generations should benefit from the possibilities of modern day technology."

Famatic Co-founder Thijs Suijten was inspired to create the product when he wanted to share pictures of his children with his parents.

"I take a lot of photos of my daughters and share them on Facebook," he explains. "But the ones who'd love to see them the most, their grandparents, are unable to see them because they're not familiar with social media."

Famatic is currently listed on crowdfunding website Kickstarter, with the initial orders expected to ship by October of this year.

Online pledgers can pre-order a frame from $169.