How to survive in a job you are not enjoying

How to survive in a job you are not enjoying

feeling stuck in a job
feeling stuck in a job

Feeling stuck in a job that you are not enjoying can be depressing. What makes it more depressing is the inability to throw in the towel due to personal commitments or heavy work responsibilities. Before your energy, purpose and happiness get all drained, look to these tips to make your situation a little more tolerable.


Focus on one goal a day

When you detest your job, it can be excruciating to stay driven daily and you’ll often find yourself thinking: “What am I doing here?” Overcome this by jotting down some personal goals for yourself. They have to be small such that you can achieve them in a short time. Being able to check these short-term goals off will help you pick up the pace and make you more motivated at work.


Learn what you can

Opportunities are abound, even with the most awful jobs. Take the chance to build up your skill sets, professional contacts and work experience, which will help set you up for future job opportunities. You might be unable to change your current circumstances, but you definitely are able to make the most out of it.


Expand your network

Focus on your relationships with your current colleagues and surround yourself with a tribe of people you can trust and go to when you need help. A strong support system in the office is vital to make one feel better about work. In addition, actively look out and take on opportunities to meet others in your field. Growing your professional network outside is just as important as maintaining those at the workplace.


Eye on the positive

In order to keep your mind off quitting, constantly remind yourself on the small wins at work – no matter how small they can be. Compile a list of things you enjoy doing, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the parts of it you will miss if you leave. You’ll be surprised at how far you’ve come, and how much further you potentially can go.


Time for some soul searching

That said, you might find yourself still winding up in the same place where you started. Perhaps it might be high time to ask yourself: what is it you want in a job? The best careers are those that truly fulfil one’s purpose; if you really feel you belong somewhere else, follow your heart and don’t stop searching until you’ve found your dream job!


For more insightful articles and tips, visit’s Career Resources page to find out more!


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