Users encounter problems downloading new Apple iOS 5

Apple users have hit back after many encountered problems while trying to install the new iPhone iOS 5 software shortly after it launched last night.

Thousands of iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad and third and fourth generation iPod Touch users were left scratching their heads as error messages appeared on screens across the world, while others reported that the brand new update took too long to download.

‘Error 3200’ and 'Error 3004' were trending topics on Twitter last night as users were desperate to seek guidance from others while updating their devices with the latest software.

The error code appears during iOS 5 installation when a request for authorisation from an updating device fails to be fulfilled by Apple’s servers, according to the firm.

Apple said that the issue stemmed from the massive amount of simultaneous attempts from users trying to download the new software.

Apple users were quick to express their frustration at the botched download. One unnamed user posted on an Apple forum that it would take 37 hours to download the 637.3MB software.

[First look: The Apple iPhone 4S]

Steve Jobs has only been gone a few days and we are already experiencing the start of the techpocalypse,” Jenna Tanner posted on Twitter.

The glitch came on the same day Research in Motion’s (RIM’s) BlackBerry entered its third day of data outage.

[Related story: BlackBerry outage enters third day]

Apple released the free update to its mobile operating system Thursday, two days ahead of the iPhone 4S being launched.

According to Apple’s Website, iOS 5 has more than 200 new features, including the highly-anticipated iMessage, Twitter integration and a revamped notifications service.

Those who wish to perform the upgrade must also have the new iTunes 10.5 installed on their Mac or Windows PC.

Reaction on Twitter to the Apple iOS 5 download

ParadiseBourne BeccieSchofield

Lol at all the iPhone owners who were acting smug like 'oh our phones are better' and now they have Error 3200 .... KARMA! ;D

ockhamsbeard Tim Dean

I just want to reassure everyone that my Android phone is working perfectly this morning.

edbott Ed Bott

Every Apple user who has ever mocked a cryptic Windows error code: iOS Error 3004, 3014, 3200, etc is your payback

Shealan Shealan Forshaw

Blackberry down, iPhone error 3200. Steve Jobs has only been gone a few days and we are already experiencing the start of the techpocalypse.

Trendeh paulie fenty

Hey iPhone users, how's that karma taste! Enjoy your ERROR 3200 :)

Lupin_7 Remus Lupin

Error 3200? Please tell me there aren't 3199 other errors with the new software...