Leave Voter 'Shocked' by Rise of Racist Incidents After Brexit Vote

An English voter who backed Britain’s ‘Leave’ campaign in last week’s referendum on cutting ties with the European Union posted a video on social media on Sunday, June 26, expressing his shock at the spate of racist incidents in the aftermath of the vote. In the video Phil Deakin, who describes himself as a poet living in Nottingham, said reports of racism on social media “absolutely sicken me.”

He said that he voted Leave because of anti-austerity policies of a government that he described as “incapable and unable and bound by EU regulation from helping the people that were the poorest.”

After posting the video in an open Facebook group called Worrying Signs, set up for reports of xenophobic incidents, Deakin wrote that “there comes a time when people need to stand up against hatred. They didn’t in Germany and the rest is history.” Credit: YouTube/Phil Deakin