Watch the unbelievable in ‘Cyril: Rio Magic’

Imagine walking down a familiar street to do grocery shopping, and suddenly, you experience something inexplicable and completely out-of-this-world. That’s what happened to unsuspecting bystanders around Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during a visit by Tokyo-based magician Cyril. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, this 21st century entertainer bridges the gap between the East and the West through his magical moments of wonder.

Voted ‘Magician of the Year’ in 2007, Cyril stands in the company of great magicians like David Copperfield and Seigfreid & Roy. He moves away from the traditional on-stage performance and takes them onto the streets, infiltrating popular tourist spots with mind-blowing tricks.

Catch all the action as he pushes people’s limits in a six-part series ‘Cyril: Rio Magic’ on AXN (Channel 511 on StarHub), premiering this Sunday, May 4, at 7.40pm. Hidden under a well-prepared disguise, no one knows how or when the sneaky magician will strike.

As a bonus, Cyril has prepared a special video to show us how to perform a simple magic trick. With basic preparation, feel free to try it among friends and family. Get those dollar notes ready and say ‘abracadabra!’