Welsh Lib Dems pledge £210m to fix social care

The Welsh Liberal Democrats are set to pledge £210m to "fix social care" in the party's manifesto launch.

Party leader Jane Dodds will officially unveil the manifesto in Cardiff Bay on Monday morning.

The party has also committed to providing the NHS in Wales with an additional £260m of annual funding by 2028-29.

Its manifesto also outlines investments it will make in agriculture, tackling sewage and insulating homes.

The party has said the additional funds for social care will "help enable people to be released from hospital, relieve pressure on the NHS and give a fair deal to family carers".

It claimed it will boost the carers minimum wage and lift the carers allowance by £1,040 a year.

The manifesto also outlines a pledge to establish a "world-class" mental health service, allowing every school pupil fast access to mental health support.

The party also pledges £50m more a year for Welsh agriculture and said it will offer free home insulation for those on low incomes.

On sewage, it said it will deliver £500,000 extra a year to Natural Resources Wales to spend on the enforcement and monitoring of sewage pollution.

Ms Dodds said, if elected, the Welsh Liberal Democrats would focus on getting the people of Wales "fast access to GPs and dentists and will give our nation's carers a fair deal".

"We will stop sewage being dumped in our rivers, protect our children’s mental health, and deliver warm homes that insulate you from the cost-of-living crisis," she added.

"Hope and change are just around the corner, you only need to vote for them."