Wuhan virus: NEA releases list of effective cleaning products

A masked worker cleans public areas of a shop in Hong Kong. (PHOTO: Associated Press)
A masked worker cleans public areas of a shop in Hong Kong. (PHOTO: Associated Press)

SINGAPORE — The National Environment Agency (NEA) has released an interim list of cleaning products that are known to be effective against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan last December.

“Many general household products contain the appropriate concentrations of active ingredients that are known to inactivate coronaviruses,” said the agency in a media release on Wednesday (5 February).

Items on the list (see below) include products from popular brands such as Dettol, Clorox and Mr Muscle. These products can be used for disinfecting areas that are “very likely to be contaminated with nCoV”, for example, the bedroom of an infected person, said NEA.

The agency also provided a list of the active ingredients in cleaning products that are known to work against coronaviruses.

The NEA's interim list of household cleaning products known to be effective against coronaviruses. (GRAPHIC: NEA)
The NEA's interim list of household cleaning products known to be effective against coronaviruses. (GRAPHIC: NEA)

Besides the use of cleaning agents, the NEA said that steam and heat treatment are also effective against coronaviruses – a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more serious conditions such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

On using such cleaning products, the NEA stressed the importance of checking labels, using the products according to instruction and being aware of the potential hazard of each product. The agency also discouraged the use of sprays for disinfecting highly contaminated surfaces or material.

NEA noted that its product list should “be read in conjunction with the Guidelines and Advisories issued by NEA with instruction and guidelines on how to conduct proper cleaning and disinfection of premises”.

NEA's list of active ingredients in cleaning products that work against coronaviruses. (GRAPHIC: NEA)
NEA's list of active ingredients in cleaning products that work against coronaviruses. (GRAPHIC: NEA)

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