Yammie Lam's fan wants "Big Brother" to confess his sin

16 Nov – It was reported that an incident had occurred during the memorial service held to honour the late Yammie Lam on 9 November.

As reported on Mingpao, a man wearing a t-shirt and a cap made a sudden appearance outside the St Anne's Church where the service was held, holding a banner that read, "Big Brother, come out and apologise!"

When asked the identity of the "Big Brother" in question, the fan responded, "Everyone knows who it is."

He was later seen again outside the premise with other fans, and was asked by the police to leave the banner outside if they were planning to enter the church.

The banner seemed to refer to Yammie's unsolved rape case. In an interview in 2013, the actress revealed that she had been raped by "two big brothers" of the entertainment industry. However, she declined to reveal the identity of both attackers.

(Photo Source: Mingpao)