Zimbabwe protest crowd heads to Mugabe's Harare compound

Protesters calling for Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe to step down take to the streets in Harare, Zimbabwe November 18, 2017. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo

HARARE (Reuters) - Hundreds of protesters seeking to remove Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe from office heeded a call from a leader of the powerful liberation war veterans on Saturday to march on the 93-year-old's residence in the capital.

"Let us now go and deliver the message that grandfather Mugabe and his typist-cum-wife should go home," war veterans secretary-general Victor Matemadanda told an anti-Mugabe rally in the Harare township of Highfield.

As he spoke, people started leaving the rally to head towards Mugabe's lavish "Blue Roof" residence, live television pictures showed.

(Reporting by Ed Cropley; Editing by Janet Lawrence)