Dortmund Residents Welcome Refugees Arriving on #Trainofhope

Locals gathered at the main train station in Dortmund, Germany, on Sunday, September 6, to welcome hundreds of refugees arriving after a long journey from Budapest via Austria. In this video, Germans cheer and break into song after the refugees arrive.

The warm welcome contrasted drastically with the scene that morning in Dortmund, when anti and pro-refugee protesters faced off at the station as they awaited the arrival of the “Train of Hope.” Supporters of the refugees arrived just after midnight with blankets and food. The right-wing anti-refugee demonstrators arrived not long after that, according to reports. Police kept the two groups apart, but the situation remained tense for more than two hours when the right-wing protesters left the station. The refugee supporters stayed until the arrival of the train. Credit: Facebook/Claus-Dieter Stille