Gwyneth Paltrow’s Bee-Sting Treatment and 5 Other Bizarre Beauty Rituals


Gwyneth Paltrow’s got a buzzy skin regimen. (Photo: Getty Images)

Would you voluntarily be stung by a swarm of angry bees if it meant you could look ravishing — and not ravaged?

Gwyneth Paltrow has — and the Goop guru recently told the New York Times, “Man, it’s painful.” No kidding! This treatment, called apitherapy, is used to reduce inflammation and scarring. And it’s no celeb fad — it has actually been around for thousands of years. Thanks to Gwynnie, the buzz about this ancient ritual has risen again.

But Gwyneth is not the only celeb to go to great (and grotesque) lengths for beauty. Kim Kardashian recently brought vampire face-lifts to the forefront when she Instagrammed a picture of herself with her own blood (prepared by doctors to isolate plasma-rich platelets) injected into her face to help increase collagen and blood flow. And while it looked like an outtake from a slasher flick, the treatment is popular, harmless, and effective.

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Here are a few other off-the-wall and gag-inducing beauty treatments that stars have been known to engage in. Hey, if you can stand a bit of gore, feces, and snail slime, you just might glow like an A-list celeb!

Urine therapy

Brace yourself: In 1994, Madonna proudly admitted to David Letterman that she pees on her own feet to prevent athlete’s foot. And while pee does have antifungal properties, topically applied urine is actually most often used to treat acne. The secret ingredient in urine? Urea, which spot-treats blemishes, softens and exfoliates skin, and reduces the appearance of spots and scars. And anything that keeps Madonna on her feet, we’re 100 percent on board with.

Bird-poop facial

Bird poop on your windshield? Lame. Bird poop on your face? A luxury! Victoria Beckham uses a not-so-posh treatment to keep her skin looking flawless: sanitized nightingale droppings. Yes, New York City spa owner Shizuka Bernstein patented the Geisha Facial — named after an actual beauty ritual of Japanese geishas, who were renowned for their porcelainlike complexions. Nightingale poop not only removes makeup residue, but it softens, brightens, exfoliates, retexturizes, and nourishes skin, according to Bernstein, who rounds out the treatment with pore extraction and a light massage.

Snail-slime creams

You know those slimy trails that snails leave in their wake? Yup, that goo is considered a cure-all for your skin. Just ask Katie Holmes, who uses face creams that contain mucin, a snail-slime extract. The treatment has long been used in Korea and Africa but has made its way to the U.S. in recent years. Snail secretions are rich in proteins, glycolic acids, and elastin and are known to battle acne, reduce scarring, and soften wrinkles. Products to try include Ultra Vitalizing Snail Cream, Dr. Jart + Premium Time-Repairing Cream, and Mizon Snail Repair Eye Cream.

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Leech therapy

What made Demi Moore appear so youthful when she reemerged in 2003’s Charlie’s Angels at age 40? Blood-sucking leeches (and maybe some plastic surgery, but we digress). “I let leeches suck my blood,” she told David Letterman about the medical-grade aquatic worms (yes, they’re worms) that released enzymes into her blood to detoxify it. This ancient ritual may be an effective cosmetic treatment, but it has also been long used for ailments such as skin diseases, nervous system abnormalities, and even dental problems.

Bull-semen hair mask

Stressed out about your tresses? It’s not just skin that can benefit from stomach-churning beauty cures. Lindsay Lohan has got a secret to her shiny, bouncy hair: bull semen … because why not? A product called Aberdeen Angus Bull Semen Treatment (rest assured — it’s organic!), available at London’s upscale Hari’s salon, strengthens the hair shaft (no pun intended) and promotes gloss and growth. So grab the bull by the, er, horns?

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