Michelle Reis undergoes gastrointestinal endoscopy

Michelle Reis undergoes gastrointestinal endoscopy

8 Jul – Hong Kong actress Michelle Reis recently apologised for her late arrival at the Champion Awards by The Hong Kong Jockey Club and revealed that she had a gastrointestinal endoscopy before the event.

As reported on On CC News, the actress, who is rarely tardy, stated that she had an endoscopy the afternoon before the event and was feeling a bit tipsy from the general anaesthesia.

"My body had to be numbed for the examination, so I am feeling a little bit giddy," said the actress. "I also had to put on my own make-up, so that added to the delay."

Michelle, who found out she had polyp two years ago, discovered a relapse and had it removed as quickly as possible.

"This time, they cut it off immediately once they found it," said the actress. "But my doctor said that it was really general and there is nothing to worry about."

She also admitted that she is worried every time she goes for a medical check-up.

"I don't know what will happen, and I always feel like I have not been taking good care of my body every time I go for a check-up," said Michelle.

She also took the chance to encourage the public to go for annual health check-ups to avoid future complications.