Crystal Liu unhappy with comeback drama?

12 Jan – Rumours are rife that Chinese actress Crystal Liu (Liu Yifei) is unsatisfied with the broadcasting issue of her upcoming new drama, "Records of the Southern Mist House".

As reported on CBG, the actress recently puzzled her fans when she posted on Weibo the word "hehe", which is usually the onomatopoeia used by younger generation in China as a response to something that you disagree on yet do not want to refute.

The simple post sparked speculations among many that Crystal is unhappy that the drama, which was supposed to air on cable television, allegedly failed to pass the censorship board, and instead will be shown via a streaming platform.

The rumour was further fuelled by the fact that the actress has deleted all her previous Weibo posts about the aforementioned drama.

The producers have yet to respond to the rumours. However, an insider stated that everything is going on as scheduled and that the drama will definitely air on television.

(Photo Source: Crystal Liu Instagram)